Lay Leadership
Ron Rinehart
The Lay Leader in a local congregation is someone very involved in the church and encourages all members to use their own talents and strengths to further the life and ministry of the church.
Tom Campbell
Administrative Council Chair
The Administrative Council is the group that "shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church."
Connie Fason
Staff Parish Relations Chair
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is the administrative unit in the church where staff and congregational interests are integrated to focus on the mission of the church.
• The SPRC serves the “governing board” in an advisory capacity related to personnel administration.
• It does not exist to provide managerial or leadership oversight to the staff team (that is the work of the pastor).
Barry Fason
Trustee Chair
Responsible for the oversight of church property, including the parsonage. Responsibilities also include making arrangements for maintenance and ensuring that the property stays in compliance with health codes and fire codes. Also oversight of the finances of the church, especially the investments.
Tom Ramsdell
Finance Chair
The job of the committee on finance is to identify, perfect, and manage the finance system for the congregation. The finance system is the processes of raising, managing, and dispersing the finances so that the mission and vision of the congregation can be achieved.
Dwight Douce
Responsible for maintaining and safeguarding all finances and financial records of the Church.
Nancy Whalen
Conference Lay Delegate
Church law provides for a maximum of 1,000 delegates--half clergy, half lay. It mandates that each annual conference must have at least one delegate from each order. Beyond that, a conference's representation is based the number of lay members and clergy members in the conference. The list is arranged by jurisdiction and central conference.
Bill Shannon
PEFC Chair
Responsible for the administration and investment of all bequests, trusts, devises and trust funds made to LUMC.
Barry Fason, Tom Campbell, John Below, Keith Joy, Gary McNair
Responsible for video, sound, computers, internet, website and communication systems for LUMC.