Welcome to Lakeside UMC
Easter Sunday Services
6:30 AM Sunrise Dockside
10:30 AM Sanctuary
Welcome to Lakeside United Methodist Church's website!
We invite you to browse through our pages and learn about the opportunities for you and your family at Lakeside Church.
We believe that Christian faith is not a private matter, but instead a life that we live with one another. Each time we celebrate Holy Communion we pray “By your Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world.”
We invite you to find your special place within the Body of Christ in this place.
Upcoming at Lakeside UMC
Sunday Worship
9:00 am Worship: Chautauqua Season (Memorial Day- Labor Day)
10:30 am Worship: Off Season
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am - 2:00pm
How To Find Us
Lakeside is located on the Marblehead Peninsula, halfway between Toledo and Cleveland on Lake Erie's south shore. It's easily accessible from the east or west via Interstate 90, Route 2 and Route 163. Lakeside is situated in the heart of the Lake Erie Shores & Islands region.
Discover Our Community
Lakeside is a large community of people of all ages with diverse interests and backgrounds. We offer programs that enrich the lives of our community in a variety of ways. Come visit us to learn more!